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Men Are The Prize Podcast - Episode 23 - The P.R.I.Z.E. is Carla Crivaro

This week the case study is Carla Crivaro, the first woman to be a guest.
When I imagined this podcast, it was a space strictly for men. We understand our struggles and are not always comfortable expressing them to women. I was lucky enough to read about "the forgotten father" she talks about and knew she belonged on this platform. Who is Carla you ask?
Carla Crivaro is a trauma-informed and certified Sex, Love & Relationship Coach. She works with men and women internationally to experience delicious sex, profound love and authentic relationships. Carla is currently creating awareness about how men can feel isolated, rejected and miss intimacy with their partner when they enter into parenthood, she has named this phenomenon 'The Forgotten Father'.
Many men are told that when they become fathers they become a 'problem'. Women complain of having another child to take care of. Naming for men what is going on for them and WHY they may be acting in a way that frustrates their partner can be really validating for them. Acknowledging that it isn't unusual to experience a loss of desire for your partner after being present for the birth enables them to move through any shame they may be having for the feelings and emotions they are experiencing. Many men are not able to 'name' their experience and don't know that they can ask for help or support, when something is brought into the conscious awareness, it can be healed.
This was a fantastic discussion and I was lucky to speak with her. You can find her at www.carlacrivaro.com